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Music, Yoga, and creativity are essential in daily life and it has become an essential aspect of my work as an occupational therapist. Music is a communication of the heart - it breaks all barriers. It helps us connect with our emotions and quiet the mind. Yoga helps us Tune in with our breath, body, and develop a deeper connection and higher understanding regarding the Self, others, and in life.
Several non-verbal children I've worked with were talking by the end of a school year, integrating live instruments and singing into our sessions. Adults with acute schizophrenia have learned to play piano in a way that was attainable to them, feeling a renewed sense of mental health and joy. Integrating Yoga into therapy brings good results, helping us tune in with the breath. Having witnessed the immense healing properties of yoga and music, I am dedicated to using these modalities as a methods of healing, helping children and adults with autism and other disorders.
I'd like to offer my 23+ years of services as an Occupational Therapist to those who need the support. I have worked with persons of all ages, most notably children with autism, vision/handwriting delays, and adults with schizophrenia. I am available for online consulting, parent education, and music education for those who have difficulty focusing otherwise.
Richman’s mission to bring inspiration and healing through the arts speaks for itself. She has lectured regularly at Columbia and Touro Universities in NYC about autism rehabilitation and school based mental health, educating future occupational therapists about the benefits of using music, therepeutic use of self, and meaningful activity as healing modalities. She is an active member of the American Occupational Therapy Association, has co-written articles as part of the School Mental Health Task Force, has directed music programs for varied populations as a Senior Occupational Therapist at New York State Psychiatric Institute. She currently works with children on the autism spectrum and with vision and handwriting challenges as a contractor to District 93 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. She is licenced to practice in the states of NY and Idaho.
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